Welcome to Moving Circle Removals (“we”, “our”, “us”). By using our website (https://www.movingcircleremovals.co.uk/) and engaging our services, you agree to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions. Please read them carefully before proceeding.
©[2025] [LJS 2024 LTD]. All rights reserved. Unauthorised copying or use is
prohibited. These Terms and Conditions are proprietary to [LJS 2024 LTD] and may not be copied, reproduced, or used, in part or in full, without our express written consent. Unauthorised use or duplication of these terms may result in legal action.
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These conditions explain the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of all parties to this agreement. These terms and conditions can be varied or amended subject to prior written agreement. These terms and conditions apply to all aspects of our Removals Service, including managed moves & hourly rate options, domestic transit services & storage in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland or Internationally.
the word 'you' or 'your' means the customer/client.
'we', 'us' or 'our' means the remover, company number 15696802 LJS 2024 LTD
'Our Quotation' Means any written or email correspondence with you outlining our removals fee.
an 'item' is the entire contents of a box, parcel, package, carton, or similar container; and any other object or thing that is moved, handled or stored by us.
'Removals Service'/‘Move’ means loading of goods from a specified location, transit in between and unloading of goods at a final specified location and may include additional way points for 'drop off's' or 'picks up's' in-between (LJS 2024 LTD charge no fee for transportation of goods, our fee is charged for loading & unloading of goods)
‘Move Day’ means the day of completion, the day which your goods are transported from your previous property of residence to your new property of residence.
Section A – The Removal
Section B – Payment
Section C – Services
Section D – Insurance
Section E – International Removals
Section F – Trade Assistance
(1) Our quotation
(1) Our quotation, unless otherwise stated, does not include cancellation waivers, customs duties, port charges including (but not limited to) demurrage, inspections, or any fees, or taxes payable to government bodies or agencies.
(2) Our quotation is valid for twenty-eight days from the date of issue. Unless already included in our quotation, reasonable additional charges will apply in the following circumstances:
(1) If the work does not commence within twenty-eight days of acceptance.
(2) Where we have given you, a price including redelivery from storage within our quotation and the re-delivery from storage has not taken place within six months from the date of the issue of the quotation.
(3) Our costs change because of currency fluctuations, changes in taxation, freight, fuel, ferry or toll charges beyond our control.
(4) The work is carried out on a Saturday, Sunday, or public holiday or outside normal hours (08:00-18:00hrs) at your request. We must collect or deliver goods at your request above the ground floor and first upper floor.
(5) If you or your agents request collection or access to your goods whilst they are in storage.
(6) We supply any additional services, including moving or storing extra goods (these conditions apply to such work). This may include (but is not limited to) situations in which it becomes apparent when we collect your goods that there are additional items, goods or another load, of which we were not informed when we provided our quote and which was not, therefore, included in the quote.
(7) The entrance or exit to the premises, stairs, lifts or doorways are inadequate for free movement of the goods without mechanical equipment or structural alteration, or the approach, road or drive is unsuitable for our vehicles and/or containers to load and/or unload within 20 metres of the doorway.
(8) We must pay parking or other fees or charges (including fines where you have not arranged agreed suspension of parking restrictions) to carry out services on your behalf. To this agreement parking fines for illegal parking, caused by our negligence, are not fees or charges and you are not responsible for paying them.
(9) There are delays or events outside our reasonable control which increase or extend the resources or time allowed to complete the agreed work.
(10) We agree in writing to increase our limit of liability set out in section 10.2 prior to the work commencing.
(11) We must pay operational charges to carry out the services, which may be brought in at any time by the law and amended at any time by the law. Such operational charges may include (but are not limited to) low emission zone (LEZ) charges and congestion charges.
(12) In the circumstances that we do not receive access to the new property, or the property is not vacant before 4:00pm either an overnight storage fee will apply, or an additional hourly fee shall be charged post 4:00pm and until the job is completed at our discretion.
(13) You agree to pay any reasonable charges arising from the above circumstances
(2) Work not included in the quotation.
Unless agreed by us in writing, we will not:
(1) Take up or lay fitted floor coverings.
(2) Move or storage any items excluded under section 4.
(3) Dismantle or assemble garden furniture and equipment including, but not limited to sheds, greenhouses, garden shelters, outdoor play equipment, and satellite dishes, or move paving slabs, planters and the like.
(4) Our staff are not authorised or qualified to carry out such work. We recommend that a properly qualified person is separately employed by you to carry out these services.
(3) It will be your responsibility to:
(1) Arrange adequate insurance cover for the goods submitted for removal transit and/ or storage if our £10,000 policy is not sufficient
(2) Obtain at your own expense, all documents, permits, permissions, licenses, customs documents necessary for the removal to be completed.
(3) Pay for any parking or meter suspension charges incurred by us in carrying out the work. Be present or represented throughout the collection and delivery of the removal service.
(4) Where we provide you with inventories, receipts, waybills, job sheets or other relevant documents you will ensure that they are signed by you or your authorised representative as confirmation of collection or delivery of the goods. Take all reasonable steps to ensure that nothing that should be removed is left behind and nothing is taken away in error.
(5) Arrange proper protection for goods left in unoccupied or unattended premises, or where other people such as (but not limited to) tenants or workmen are or will be present.
(6) Prepare adequately and stabilize all appliances or electronic equipment prior to their removal.
(7) Empty, properly defrost and clean refrigerators and deep freezers. We are not responsible for the contents.
(8) Ensure that all domestic and garden appliances, including but not limited to washing machines, dish washers, hose pipes, petrol lawn mowers are clean and dry and have no residual fluid left in them.
(9) Provide us with a correct and up to date contact address and telephone number during removal transit and/or storage of goods.
(10) Arrange appropriate transport, storage or disposal of goods listed in section 4.
(11) Other than by reason of our negligence or breach of contract, we will not be liable for any loss or damage, costs or additional charges that may arise from failure to discharge these responsibilities.
(12) Pack ALL items (where you are not receiving a packing service) which can fit in our standard size removal box (575mm x 365mm x 390mm). Any additional packing we do on completion day of items which fit into our removal box will be chargeable at a rate of £7.50 per box.
(13) If your Quotation does not state a move date, after acceptance you must email sales@movingcircleremovals.co.uk with your confirmed move date no later than 14 days (including Weekends & Bank Holidays) before you move.
(4) Items we do not Move.
Unless previously agreed in writing by a director or other authorised company representative, the following items must not be submitted for removal or storage and will under no circumstances be moved or stored by us.
(1) Potentially dangerous, damaging or explosive items, including gas bottles, aerosols, paints, firearms, fuels, oils, and ammunition.
(2) Jewellery, watches, trinkets, precious stones or metals, money, deeds, securities, mobile telephones, portable media and computing devices, stamps, coins, or goods or collections of any similar kind.
(3) Goods likely to encourage vermin or other pests or to cause infestation or contamination.
(4) We shall notify you in writing as soon as practicable if any of the goods, are in our opinion hazardous to health, dirty or unhygienic or likely to attract vermin or pests and under what conditions we would be prepared to accept such goods or whether we refuse to accept them. Should we refuse to accept the goods we will have no liability to you. Perishable items and/ or those requiring a controlled environment.
(5) Any animals, birds, fish, reptiles or plants.
(6) Goods which require special licence or government permission for export or import.
(7) Under no circumstances will prohibit or stolen goods, drugs or pornographic material be moved or stored by us.
(8) If you submit such goods without our knowledge, we will make them available for your collection and if you do not collect them within a reasonable time, we may apply for a court order to dispose of any such goods found in the consignment. You agree to pay us any charges, expenses, damages, legal costs or penalties reasonably incurred by us in disposing of the goods.
(5) Ownership of the goods
By entering into this agreement, you guarantee that:
(1) The goods to be removed and/or stored are your own property, or the goods are your property free of any legal charge; or you have the full authority of the owner or anyone having a legal interest in them to enter into this agreement, and you have made the owner fully aware of these terms and conditions prior to entering into this agreement and that they have agreed to them.
(2) If at any time following the implementation of this agreement to its termination another person has or obtains an interest in the goods you will advise us of their name and address in writing immediately.
(3) You will provide a full indemnity and pay us in respect of any claim for damages and/or costs brought against us if either statement made in 5.1 & 5.2 is untrue.
(4) If you wish to transfer responsibility of this agreement to a third party, you will advise us in writing giving us their full name and address. We will issue a new agreement to them. Our agreement with you will remain in force until we have received a signed agreement from the third party.
(6) Charges if you cancel / postpone the removal.
If you cancel / postpone this agreement, we reserve the right to charge you a reasonable fee according to how much notice is given as set out below at 6.1 - 6.5. We charge these fees based on an assessment of losses we have incurred. Examples of the types of loss we might incur are administration/back-office costs, being unable to re-fill a removal slot with another customer's work or engaging employees to work for your booked removal.
(1) More than 10 days before the removal was due to start: no charge.
(2) Between 5 and 10 days inclusive before the removal was due to start: not more than 30% of the removal charge.
(3) Less than 5 days before the removal was due to start: not more than 60% of the removal charge.
(4) Within 24 hours of the move taking place; not more than 90% of the removal charge.
(5) On the day the work starts or at any time after the work commences up to 100% of our charges.
(6) This does not end our obligation to complete your move or end your obligation to be moved by Moving Circle Removals (LJS 2024 LTD).
(7) Route and method
(1) We have the right to choose the method and route by which to carry out the work and the location in respect of storage.
(2) Unless it has been specifically agreed otherwise in writing in our quotation, other space/ volume/capacity on our vehicles and/or the container may be utilised for consignments of other customers
(8) Our liability for loss or damage
(1) We do not know the value of your goods therefore we limit our liability to a fixed limit per item. The amount of liability we accept under this agreement is reflected in our charges for the work. If you wish us to increase our limit of liability per item, you agree to pay a higher price for the work as stated in condition (1.2.J).
(2) Unless otherwise agreed in writing if we are negligent or in breach of contract, we will pay you up to £20 for each item which is lost or damaged as a direct result of any negligence or breach of contract on our part. For goods destined to, or received from a place outside the United Kingdom:
(3) We will only accept liability for loss or damage arising from our negligence or breach of contract whilst the goods are in our physical possession, or whilst the goods are in the possession of others if the loss or damage is established to have been caused by our failure to pack the goods to a reasonable standard where we have been contracted to pack the goods that are subject to the claim.
(4) Where we engage an international transport operator, shipping company or airline to convey your goods to the place, Port or airport of destination, we do so on your behalf and subject to the terms and conditions set out by that carrier.
(5) If the carrying vessel/conveyance, should for reasons beyond the carrier’s control, fail to deliver the goods, or Route them to a place other than the original destination, you may have limited recourse against the carrier depending upon the carriers ’ particular terms and conditions of carriage, and you may be liable for general average contribution (e.g., The costs incurred to preserve the vessel/conveyance and cargo) and salvage charges, or the Additional cost of onward transmission to the place, port or airport of destination. These are insurable risks, and it is your responsibility to arrange adequate marine/transit Insurance cover.
(6) We do not accept liability for goods confiscated, seized, removed or damaged by customs authorities or other Government agencies unless such confiscation, Seizure, removal or damage arose directly as a result of our negligence or breach of contract.
(9) Damage to premises or property other than goods
Because third party contractors or others are frequently present at the time of collection or delivery it is not always possible to establish who was responsible for loss or damage. Therefore, our liability is limited as follows:
(1) If we cause loss or damage to premises or property other than goods for removal because of our negligence or Breach of contract, our liability shall be limited to making good the damaged area only.
(2) If we cause damage because of moving goods under your express instruction, against our advice, and were moving the goods in the manner instructed is likely to cause damage, we shall not be liable.
(3) If we are responsible for causing damage to your premises or to property other than goods submitted for removal and/or storage, you must note this on the worksheet or delivery receipt as soon as practically possible after the damage occurs or is discovered or in any event within a reasonable time. This is fundamental to the agreement.
(10) Exclusions of liability
We shall not be liable for loss or damage caused by fire or explosion, unless we have been negligent or in breach of contract. It is your responsibility to insure your goods. If you Ask us in writing to arrange insurance cover for you, we will, provided you declare the full replacement value of your goods and pay the premium in advance.
We shall not be liable for delays or failures to provide the services under this agreement as a result of war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities (whether war is declared or not), civil war, terrorism, rebellion and/or military coup, act of God, adverse weather, third party industrial action, re-scheduled sailing, departure or arrival times, port congestion, or other such events outside our reasonable control.
Other than because of our negligence or breach of contract we will not be liable for any loss, damage or failure to produce the goods as a result of:
(1) Normal wear and tear, natural or gradual deterioration, leakage or evaporation or from perishable or unstable goods. This includes goods left within furniture or appliances.
(2) Moth or vermin or similar infestation.
(3) Cleaning, repairing or restoring unless we arranged for the work to be carried out.
(4) Changes caused by atmospheric conditions such as dampness, Mold, mildew, rusting, tarnishing, corrosion, or gradual deterioration unless directly linked to ingress of water.
(5) For any goods in wardrobes, drawers or appliances, or in a package, bundle, carton, case or other container not both packed and unpacked by us.
(6) For electrical or mechanical derangement to any appliance, instrument, clock, computer or other equipment unless there is evidence of related external damage.
(7) For any goods which have a pre-existing defect or are inherently defective.
(8) For perishable items and/or those requiring a controlled environment.
(9) Loss of structural integrity of furniture constructed of particle board resulting from crumbling of the board.
(10) For items referred to in section 4.
(11) No employee of ours shall be separately liable to you for any loss, damage, mis-delivery, errors or omissions under the terms of this agreement.
(12) Where goods are handed out from storage our liability will cease upon handing over the goods to you or your authorised representative (see section 13 below).
(13) We will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by us or our employees or agents in circumstances where: there is no breach of this agreement by us or by any of our employees or agents.
(14) Such loss or damage is not a foreseeable result of any such breach.
(11) Unloading in the dark
(1) If your removal service extends past daylight hours, we reserve the right to charge an additional fee of £25 + VAT per hour for the inconvenience and additional safety hazard caused to our staff.
(12) Cancellation Waiver
If you wish to ‘opt out’ of any additional cancellation charges you can pay a ‘Cancellation Waiver’ at a cost of 15% of the total move invoice. Once paid, this waiver means if your move date changes / is postponed you will not be charged any additional fee’s. This waiver has no limit to the number of times you may postpone.
(13) Delays in transit
(1) Other than by reason of our negligence or breach of contract, we will not be liable for delays in transit.
(2) If through no fault of ours we are unable to deliver your goods, we will take them into storage. The agreement will then be fulfilled and any additional service(s), including storage and delivery, will be at your expense.
(3) Any transit times quoted by us are estimated and based upon information known to us at the time. Transit times may vary due to several factors outside our control including but not limited to changes in sailing or departure dates made by the freight/ shipping company, changes in the routes used by the freight/shipping company and port congestion. We will advise you of any material changes to the transit times as soon as we become aware. We will not be liable for any loss or damage incurred by you because of delays in transit time unless directly attributable to our negligence or breach of contract.
Our quotation is subject to the following conditions.
(1) Collection & Delivery is based upon access for an 18 Metre vehicle not above 1st Floor Level
(2) All packages must be clearly labelled with 3 copies of an itemised inventory supplied. We recommend all shipments are professionally export wrapped.
(A) Quotation Includes.
(1) Receiving into store (where applicable), documentation and freight charges to destination. Unloading and placing within property at client’s request.
(B) Quotation Excludes.
(1) Storage (origin or destination), packing, additional costs incurred due to poor access (transshipments, long carry etc.) parking permits, unpacking, removals of debris, assembly of furniture, removals of doors/windows, import duty or taxes, customs or quarantine inspection fees, fumigation, transit insurance, special equipment.
(1) 75% of the quotation is payable in full upon acceptance of our quotation and no later than 21 days before your move date with the remaining balance due upon completion of your move.
(1) If you do not hold TIE or Padron residency status you will be liable to a 21% duty on the value of your goods (2nd hand value) This duty can be claimed back once TIE status is obtained.
(2) The client is subject to a £300 customs clearance fee.
(14) General
(1) Unless otherwise agreed by us in writing, payment is required at the end of the move by cleared fund BACS.
(2) In respect of all sums which are overdue to us, we will charge interest daily calculated at 4% per annum above the prevailing base rate for the time being of the bank of England.
(3) Managed Move Deposit: Your deposit is due 7 days before your move date. The deposit is 25% of the total fee (Including VAT)
(4) Hourly or Day Rate Deposit; Your deposit is due 7 days before your move date The deposit is 1 hour’s
(5) Insurance Claims: If payment is not received in full, we are unable to commence any insurance claims for goods lost/stolen or damaged during the Removals Service.
(6) If your removals service requires the use of wardrobe boxes and they are not returned to us by the end of the move, you will be liable to replace them at your own cost. Cardboard wardrobe boxes (£10 plus VAT each) Plastic wardrobe boxes (£22 plus VAT each)
(7) If payment is not promptly received upon completion of the move, you agree to pay us an additional £75 plus VAT per day for each subsequent day we do not receive payment. (For example, if your move date is 1st of the month and you pay us on the 2nd of the month, you will be liable for an additional £75 plus VAT)
(8) The Blue Light Card / Mid-Week move discount will only apply should you pay 100% of the ‘Move day’ fee 7 days before the move, if you chose to exercise our usual payment upon completion term Section 8 (1) neither discount will apply.
(9) The Blue Light Card / Mid-Week move discount will apply only to ‘Move Day’ and will not apply to any additional day’s service you receive.
(15) Our right to hold the goods (lien)
(1) “lien” is the legal right of the remover to hold goods until the customer has paid all outstanding charges.
(2) We shall have a right to withhold and dispose of some or all the goods if you fail to pay the charges and any other payments due under this or any other agreement. (See also section 22). These include any charges that we have paid out on your behalf. While we hold the goods you will be liable to pay all storage charges and other costs (including legal costs) incurred by us in recovering our charges and applying our right of lien.
(3) These terms and conditions shall continue to apply.
(16) Disputes
(1) If there is a dispute arising from this agreement, which cannot be resolved, either party may refer it to the low-cost independent alternative dispute resolution (ADR) scheme provided.
(17) Our right to sell or dispose of the goods.
If payment of our charges relating to your goods is in arrears, and on giving you three months’ notice, we are entitled to require you to remove your goods from our custody and pay all money due to us. If you fail to pay all outstanding amounts due to us, we may sell or dispose of some or all the goods without further notice. The cost of the sale or disposal will be charged to you. The net proceeds will be credited to your account and any eventual surplus will be paid to you without Interest. If the full amount due is not received, we may seek to recover the balance from you.
(18) Termination
If payments are up to date, we will not end this contract except by giving you three months’ notice in writing. If you wish to terminate your storage contract, you must give us at least 10 working days’ notice (working days are defined in section 6 above). If we can release the goods earlier, we will do so, provided that your account is paid up to date. Charges for storage are payable to the date when the notice should have taken effect. We reserve the right to immediately withdraw our service from you if.
(1) our staff are subjected to abuse, verbally or physically
(2) working conditions are hazardous to health/unsafe
(3) our staff feel threated/intimidated or uneasy in the working environment
(19) Managed Moves
(1) Our managed move service includes loading and unloading of all items, diss assembling and re assembly, use of our professional removal’s equipment, clearance of the loft space, garden space and any hard-to-reach area as discussed on your removals survey.
(2) Your managed move will include flexibility upon your move date. In the event your sale/purchase ‘falls through’ we will not retain your deposit if you need to cancel the move.
(3) As part of the managed move fee, you will receive packing materials no later than 7 days before the move, you will not receive packing materials if you have not paid your deposit.
(4) You will receive guidance and general advice from your move manager.
(5) Additional boxes supplied on move day will be charged at a rate of £2.50 Each
(20) Hourly services
(1) Our hourly rate service is subject to a minimum booking of 3 hours, and we charge by 30-minute slots.
(2) Your Removals Service starts upon the departure of our vehicle from our depot to the return of our vehicle to our depot.
(3) This service does not include the storage of your goods overnight.
(4) You will be subject to fuel and travel expenses incurred from our depot to all waypoints until we leave your final address.
(7) Does not include packing materials
(5) Boxes supplied on move day will be charged at a rate of £2.50 Each
(21) Summary of insurance cover
We include £10,000 worth of insurance cover as standard for our Removals Service. Additional insurance cover is available for a premium, please contact our office for further information.
(22) Total sum insured.
Unless confirmed in writing by the us prior to the move the sum, insured shall not exceed:
(1) Household removals & storage: £10,000 any one customer
(2) Office/commercial removals: £10,000 any one vehicle load
(3) The sum insured can be increased on payment of an additional premium up to a maximum of £250,000 any one customer or vehicle load.
(4) Insurance Excess: Our insurance excess is £250, should you make a claim upon our policy you are liable to pay this amount in full.
(5) A single claim is defined on a per client basis, the excess is payable per claim not per item.
(23) Insured perils.
All risks of physical loss or damage in transit or storage anywhere in the United Kingdom, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands, the isle of man, member states of the European union, Scandinavia & Switzerland. This insurance is effective from the time your insured property is professionally packed and/or uplifted from your residence or business location for the commencement of the transit and continues, including storage, if any, until your insured property is professionally delivered to the destination. If your property is professionally unpacked coverage is extended to cover the period of the professional unpacking provided this takes place within 7 days of delivery.
(24) Cover in respect of storage is limited to the following perils:
(1) Physical loss of or damage to your property caused by fire, lightning, explosion, earthquake, storm, flood, bursting &/or leaking pipes, ingress of water or other liquid substance, aircraft or articles dropped therefrom, moth, insect or vermin from an external cause, theft accompanied by forcible and violent entry or exit, riot, strike, civil commotion, malicious damage, impact by vehicles of any kind.
(2) For self-storage this insurance is effective from the time your insured property is placed into storage and ceases upon removal from storage – no cover applies during loading and unloading or during transit.
(25) Under-insurance
It is a condition of the insurance that the sum insured represents the full total value of your effects. If you fail to declare the full replacement value of your effects, in the event of a claim you will only be entitled to recover from insurers the proportion of the loss as the declared value bears to the total replacement value of your property.
(26) Basis of claims settlement
The settlement of any claim shall be by replacement, repair and/or compensation, taking into consideration at underwriters’ option the age, quality, degree of use and consequent market value. This policy is not “new for old”, other than in respect of storage contracts where new for old cover applies. Where “new for old” insurance has been purchased, in the event of the total loss or destruction of any article insured under this insurance, the basis of settlement shall be the cost of replacing the article as new provided that the article is substantially the same as but not better than the original when new. This basis of settlement shall not apply to household linen and wearing apparel.
(27) Documents
Where any claim includes loss of or damage to documents the basis of settlement shall relate to the reasonable costs of reprinting and/or reasonable costs of reissue and/or reconstitution including, where applicable, fresh research or exploration to obtain essential information.
(28) Pairs & sets limitation section.
Where any items are part of a pair or set insurers shall only pay for the actual items which are lost or damaged. No payment will be made by insurers for any items which are part of a pair or of a set and which are not lost or damaged.
(29) Owner packed property.
Loss of damage arising from the following is excluded:
Breakage, scratching, denting, chipping, staining and tearing unless directly caused by fire or collision or overturning of the trans- porting conveyance. Missing items of cartons or packages unless an itemised valued list of contents of each carton or package is supplied by you to the company prior to commencement of transit.
(30) Your duty to provide information.
It is your duty to take reasonable care to answer all questions honestly and to the best of your knowledge. Commercial customers must make ad- equate enquiries within your business to identify and verify that information relevant to the insurance of your property is disclosed. If you do not, your insurance policy may be cancelled or treated as it if never existed or your claim may be rejected or not paid in full. It is important that all statements you make on all documents are full and accurate. Failure to accurately provide requested information could invalidate your insurance cover and mean that part or all a claim may not be paid.
(31) Claims Notification
In the event of loss and/or damage that may give rise to a claim under this insurance, immediate notice must be given in writing to the company. Unless a time extension has been requested by you, and agreed by the company in writing, it is a general condition under this insurance that full details of any losses and/or damages for removals and storage must be notified within 7 days after delivery or, in the case of non-delivery, within 7 days from when your property would normally be delivered. For overseas removals and storage outside the United Kingdom the time limit is 30 days. These time limits apply whether your property has been unpacked. For self-storage full details of any losses and/or damages must be notified at the time of the discovery of the loss of or damage to your property or at the time of removal of your property from the storage whichever is sooner.
(32) Exclusions
No cover is provided for the following:
(1) Jewellery, watches, precious stones, money, coins, bullion, deeds, bonds, securities and stamps of all kinds except whilst in storage in a locked safe or strong room.
(2) Furs, perfumery, tobacco, cigars, cigarettes, wines, mobile phones and spirits. It is agreed, however, that cover will be provided for these items where they are part of a household or office removal or storage contract subject to a limit of £10,000 any one customer, any one job.
(3) Livestock, explosives, flammables.
(4) Any other property which you are not permitted to submit for removal and/or storage under the terms of our trading Conditions.
(5) Loss or damage caused by wear, tear, gradual deterioration (including the deterioration of contents of deep freeze units), inherent vice or latent defect.
(6) Loss or damage caused by moth, insect or vermin unless from an external cause.
(7) Loss or damage caused by leakage of liquid from a receptacle or container unless packed by the company.
(8) Mechanical or electrical damage or derangement of any mechanical or electrical items unless attributable to physical damage to such items from an external cause, or following fire, flood, collision or overturning of road vehicles or other conveyances.
(9) Loss of data records other than cost of blank data carrying materials.
(10) Any consequence of war, invasion, act of foreign enemy hostilities (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection or military or usurped power or confiscation or nationalisation or requisition or destruction of or damage to property by or under the order of any government or public or local authority. This exclusion shall not apply to overseas removals whilst the customers’ property is waterborne.
(11) Loss or damage in respect of property in storage caused by or resulting from acts of terrorism or any person(s) acting from a political motive. This exclusion shall not apply to storage in the ordinary course of transit as more fully set out in the termination of transit section (terrorism).
(12) Ensuing or indirect losses resulting from or because of claims made for loss or damage arising from an insured Peril.
(13) Depreciation arising from repairs or restoration of a damaged item. Loss or damage or liability or expense directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to, by, or arising from: -
(33) Loss, damage, liability, or expense arising from indirectly caused by contributed to, by or arising from.
(1) Ionising radiations from or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste or from the combustion of nuclear fuel.
(2) The radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous or contaminating properties of any nuclear installation, reactor or nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereof.
(3) Any weapon of war employing atomic or nuclear fission and/or fusion or other like reaction or radioactive force or Matter.
(4) The radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous or contaminating properties of any radioactive matter. The exclusion in this sub-section does not extend to radioactive isotopes, other than nuclear fuel, when such isotopes are being prepared, carried, stored, or used for commercial, agricultural, medical, scientific or other similar peaceful Purposes.
(5) Loss, damage, or expense directly, or indirectly, caused by or contributed to, by or arising from: -
(6) Any chemical, biological or electromagnetic weapon.
(7) The use or operation, as a means for inflicting harm, of any computer, computer system, computer software program, computer virus or process or other electronic system.
(8) Loss, destruction or damage directly occasioned by pressure waves caused by aircraft and other aerial devices travelling at sonic or supersonic speeds.
(9) If at the time of loss, there is other insurance in force this insurance shall only respond to the extent that losses are not recoverable under the other insurance.
(10) We accept no liability for any Garden furniture, pots, plants etc due to the nature of weathering that can make such items unstable and brittle
These terms apply only to trade assistance we supply to other companies. They operate in addition to our General Terms & Conditions.
(1) Payment Terms.
a. Full payment is required before any work begins, this may include an estimated mileage based upon the location of collection and delivery.
b. If the trade work is quoted on a variable basis (I.e. Hourly services) you will receive an estimated invoice prior to commencement of work, any discrepancy will be invoiced or credited post completion of the work.
(2) Access Checks & Drivers Hours
a. It is your (the trade client) responsibility to ensure access for the specified vehicle quoted is suitable, this means you must consider.
i. Road Weight Limits
ii. Road Height limits
iii. Turning circles / Narrow driveways
iv. Overhead cables
v. Rough, uneven or dangerous surfaces
vi. Any potential ‘blocking’ of access for other road users
vii. Any requirement for parking permits or road closures
b. If access is not suitable, we will always endeavour to assist in completion of the job in the most efficient way, however we accept no liability for additional costs incurred because of poor access.
c. You must consider Tachograph regulations if the vehicle is over 3.5T, you must plan the appropriate breaks in work and limits to drivers’ hours. If you require support with this, please contact us.
(3) Liability For damage
a. We accept no responsibility for damage incurred because of your staff or contractor handling errors. I.e., any damage to items not yet loaded / in the process of unloading.
b. We accept liability for damage incurred as a direct result of our staff or contractor handling errors.
c. Our vehicle will be loaded by our driver at all times.
d. No liability for damage will be accepted for any item loaded by a member of your staff / contractor.
e. HIRE; We accept no liability for damage of any sort should we provide no driver / staff or contractor to support your use of our vehicle.
(4) Mileage Charges
a. 3.5T Vehicle - £0.45p per mile
b. Over 3.5T Vehicle - £0.70p per mile
(5) Use of our equipment
a. We provide basic removals equipment on all vehicles.
i. 10x Removals blankets
ii. Lashing Straps
b. If you require additional equipment, you must inform us at least 24 hours before the commencement of the work by email or whats app (07360) 014850 James.
This may include.
i. Additional Blankets – No charge
ii. Boxes - £1.44 Each
iii. Tape - £1.00 Each
iv. Marker Pens - £1.00 Each
v. Packing Paper 10kg - £16.00 Each
vi. Wardrobe Boxes - £8.00 Each
vii. Export Wrap £85.00 Per roll
viii. Furniture Covers – No charge.
ix. Comprehensive Tool Kit – No charge
x. Piano dollies – No Charge
xi. Pot dollies – No Charge
xii. Sack Trucks – No Charge
(6) Vehicles we use for Trade
a. Iveco Daily 3.5T Luton Van with Tail Lift, 26 MPG, Euro 5
a. Vehicle Dimensions; TBA
b. Box Dimensions; TBA.
c. Box Volume; TBA.
d. Vehicle Equipment; Tail Lift
b. Scania P230 18T Removals Body 5 Sideloading Doors, Rear Barn doors, Rear Air Suspension, No tail lift, 13 MPG, Euro 4
a. Vehicle Dimensions; 11.65m Long x 4m High x 2.5m Wide
b. Box Dimensions; 9.1m Long x 2.45m Wide x 2.7m High.
c. Box Volume; 2100CF / 60CM.
d. Vehicle Equipment; N/A
(7) Types of Trade Assistance
a. Hire – The use of our vehicle and stipulated equipment only with no driver/staff or contractor supplied by us (you will be required to complete a hire agreement)
b. Trade Assist – The use of our vehicle and stipulated equipment with driver/staff or contractor supplied by us.
(37) Dispute Resolution & Insurance Claims
(1) All post removals enquiries/complaints or disputes should be formally emailed to: sales@movingcircleremovals.co.uk
(2) All post removals insurance queries or claims should be formally emailed to: sales@movingcircleremovals.co.uk
(3) In matters of the above nature, we will not respond to whats app / text messages or telephone calls.
Premium Removals company, Local, National & International.
The Yard, Thatchmor Farm, Huddlesford,
Lichfield, Staffordshire. WS13 8QH
Unit J, Fernside Road, Willenhall, Wolverhampton, WV13 3YA
We love hearing from you. Please get in touch with any questions or queries.
© Copyright Moving Circle Removals [2024] All Rights Reserved
Company Number : 15696802 Operator Licence No. OD2075197
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